Friday, 6 September 2013

Skilled UK migrants itching to come to NZ to rebuild Christchurch...

This article tells an exciting story of a promotional webcast that attracted huge interest from skilled potential migrants in the UK eager to come to NZ to fill a dire need for skills in Christchurch to boost plans to rebuild the city.

New Zealand has a long and proud historic association with the United Kingdom and it great to see these ties revitalised once again as New Zealand has always valued the skills from UK in building the NZ economy. No doubt many in the UK would be relieved to hear that their skills are sought after as they are possibly victims of the economic downturn that has affected Europe and the rest of the world.

This is good news for Christchurch too, a beautiful city struck by a tragic event with a double tragedy of taking so long to rebuild, leaving many families dealing not only with the event itself but with a long and drawn out hangover that stills lingers as a reminder.

A short piece such as this does not allow for any in depth commentary on why it is taking so long to rebuild but despite the complexities I am sure that everyone would like to see the city and the lives rebuilt without delay.

This is also good news for skilled tradesmen and professionals with required skill sets to do a little investigating for themselves and to assess whether this could be the right time to make that big move. You would find a welcoming city and nation for yourselves, your families and your skills.

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