This is a great result on an impartial ranking scoreboard that bodes well for investors and working class immigrants alike who have chosen, or are considering, making New Zealand home. Having lived in NZ now for 10 years it is easy to become used to many of these facets of economic life as routine so this ranking is a good reminder that these criteria are not enjoyed equally across the globe. An important aspect of society in NZ is, of course, welcoming new migrants into this environment which may be vastly different from their country of origin. One would assume that it is these very differences that will have attracted them to choose NZ as their migration destination and that they will arrive respecting and valuing same. It is good to feel that there is a sense of rule of law and that society would be intolerant of certain economic and business behaviours. This allows people to get on with their goal of being productive and reaping the benefits of their labour without having to second guess the outcome.
"New Zealand’s economic freedom score is 81.2, making its economy the 5th freest in the 2014 Index. New Zealand was first graded in the 1996 Index, and its economic freedom score has advanced since then by over 3 points. Improvements in seven of the 10 economic freedoms, including business freedom, investment freedom, trade freedom, and fiscal freedom, have enabled New Zealand to move from “mostly free” almost 20 years ago to “free” today. Since 2007, New Zealand has been rated one of the world’s five freest economies.New Zealand’s modern and competitive economy benefits from a strong commitment to open-market policies that facilitate engagement in global commerce. Transparent and efficient regulations are applied evenly in most cases, encouraging dynamic private-sector entrepreneurial activity. Buttressed by a strong tradition of minimum tolerance for corruption, New Zealand’s vigorous defense of effective rule of law sustains the foundations of economic freedom and contributes to the high level of lasting prosperity."