Monday, 9 December 2013

Find a need or a dream to meet. The sale pays the salary.

I recently popped into a motorcycle shop to drool over bikes.  Two men were sitting behind desks. There were no other customers. One looked up - barely - and asked "you good  mate?"  then carried on doing whatever he was paid to do. It certainly wasn't to try sell me anything. They had failed to realise the value of the fact I had walked through their shop door.. I wasn't asking to be sold a bike...  I was asking to be sold a dream...  And getting me in the door was half (maybe more)  their job done.  I spent 20 minutes drooling and neither of them got up.  I had bought a bike for my wife a month earlier.  I didn't intend to,  but a real salesman took the time to harness my already evident passion and off I rode,  living the dream. I have since returned to that same bike shop 2 hours away after visiting several others closer to home with dismal salespeople. When I walked in we carried on where we left off and he has already arranged demo models for me to test ride. Can I afford another bike?  Not on your life!  But I probably will own another one soon because someone is taking the time to stoke my passion and match it to a dream.  

I remain baffled at the lack of basic sales - or dare I say PEOPLE -  skills that seem to be evident in staff on retail shop floors. There is no other source of income apart from a sale and there is no sale without a customer and there is no customer interaction until a customer has visited a store (virtual or real).  Getting the customer is the hard part - the hard earned advertising dollars spent or the high floor space rentals to get feet in the door. 

Surely once those feet are in the door they are valued? 

The fact that the customer is in the store and is not engaged is a shame. One wonders what the advertising and marketing dollars it takes to get them there is,  but I can only imagine what it has cost in goodwill and brand degradation when a customer leaves unattended to.  No word of mouth recognition; no customer loyalty; negative brand connotations- now working against all future advertising dollars spent. 

All as a result of simply not understanding the value of a potential customer - the one who pays the salary.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Farewell Madiba

Blessed are the peacemakers... The end of a defining era led by a man of conviction who was honoured the world over by rich and poor alike. May those who follow honour his great legacy and build on a great foundation carved out patience and longsuffering. A giant, who transcended racial divide and ideology as he stood for principles that were more than simply politics. He lived out his ideals and created a future many have benefited from and hopefully many still will. He was both an idealist and a pragmatist and an example to all of the power of forgiveness and the strength to be gained by creating unity behind a common vision.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Summer in Beautiful Auckland

I have said it before, that coming from a city as stunning as Cape Town, I would have had serious settlement issues had I emigrated to a city and environment of lesser natural beauty than what I had grown accustomed to. I visited Cape Town last December and absolutely loved it. It is, and will always be, a place I feel home - not just because there are beloved family who reside there but also because it is a part of who I am. Now, almost a year later, I am enjoying the same festive build up here in Auckland. I have hopped on my newly acquired motorbike and taken in sights, sounds and smells that are overwhelming in their beauty. The hot days are here now and although interspersed with cooler days, it is a glorious time of the year in an absolutely stunning environment waiting to be enjoyed. Today I travelled north just a an hour and a bit and enjoyed this amazing view from a mountain road just passed quaint Matakana. I came home and a few hours later was on beautiful Long Bay beach with my grand kids just 2 minutes drive from my home. I am not a well travelled person but I cannot imagine that there are many places in the world with such amazing beauty so accessible and within such easy reach. I am sure there are more vibrant cities and I am sure that there are more active cities but in terms of easy enjoyment of one's surrounds I cannot imagine that there can be many places to rival Auckland in summer.